Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Managing the brand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Managing the brand - Essay Example Once this phase is achieved the brand needs to ensure that the customer appreciates the brand. Finally the customer needs to become familiar with the brand such that it chooses the brand again and again (Chernatony, McDonald & Wallace, 2010, p.452). Perception: Human beings perceive based on their interpretation. According to the concepts of perception, the sense organs of human beings allow them to create interpretations of various situations, other human beings, and objects. Although theoretically it might be true that two individuals observing a same thing have same perception, but in practicality the perceptions might be different. Such perceptions might occur consciously or at times unconsciously (Ott, 2003). Competitive Positioning: Michael Porter’s five forces model explains how the positioning of a brand depends on the five forces. These five forces include the new entrants in the market, the bargaining power of the buyers, bargaining power of the suppliers, the substitutes and the competitors in the industry. These five factors together decide how a brand is positioned in the market as well as in the minds of the consumers with respect to its competitors (Hax, 2009, pp.208-210). Brand: The meaning of a brand can be understood from the perceptions and impressions that get reflected by a company and its products or services. It is the pledge that a company undertakes in order to serve its customers and provide them with their needs and demands. Thus a brand represents a company and a company is known to its customers by the name of the brand that it carries (Brand Definition, 2011). In the current business world of huge competition accompanied by the varying changes in the needs and demands of the customers, it can be understood that the perceptions of the customers are also changing, particularly with newer brands entering the market in greater levels. The competitive positioning also

Monday, February 10, 2020

How well has poverty reduction policy in Turkey succeeded Essay

How well has poverty reduction policy in Turkey succeeded - Essay Example Attacking poverty had been one of the main aims in the world in recent times and Turkey had been no exception. It is important to know more about the programme and assess how well Public economic management in Turkey is progressing. No doubt, poverty reduction cannot be done in a few years, or as a result of a few policies. This has to be based on a very sound continuous economic programmes and right directions. All over the world, there are many impediments in the way of poverty eradication. In the world of globalization, economic change also depends on many other world problems and economic fluctuations. Hence, expecting an overnight result cannot be exactly practical. In the Press Release No. 39, September 19-20, 2006, Ali Babacan, Governor of the IMF for Turkey, said in the 2006 Annual Meetings of Board of Governors held at Singapore held: â€Å"Inflation is likely to exceed the 2006 target mainly because of adverse energy and commodity price developments. However, it is expected that, in the medium term, it will converge to our target. Current account deficit has widened on account of rising cost of energy imports and accelerating investments whereas the composition of the financing significantly improved by the increasing long term capital inflows† Turkish economy has undergone a series of changes with the tightening of the fiscal policy and central banking. This does not mean that Turkish economy does not have any worth-mentioning growth. It is considered to be one of the fastest growing economies, in spite of many connected cultural, social and economic problems.